Sunday, 28 June 2015

Hitler's Charisma and Oratorical skills - Ali

 What led to Hitler rise in prominence in the late 1920s?

       Hitler's Charisma and Oratorical skills

One of the many ways on how Hitler rise in prominence in the late 1920s is due to his charisma and oratorical skills.Hitler Charisma and oratorical skills is also how he obtained a strong Germany support which is one of the reason how Hitler rise in prominece.Hitler was also seen as a solid speaker and communicator with a strong belief in himself which he believed that it was his duty to rule the world. In all of his speeches, he knew the concerns of the people which made him appear sincere to the German people. Hitler was also a strategic person as he know how and when to give his speech. For example, the "Beer Hall Speeches" whereby people often at ease and swayed by his speech as he often start his speech calmly and logically before ranting and raving before the audience get drunk. Therefore, this made his job easier which led to his rise in prominence. Other than that,  there is other factors how Hitler is a charisma and powerful oratorical skills.

1. Hitler's Speech Writing Process

Hitler was a true orator as he prepared and practiced his speeches. He was known to write his own speeches and edit them up to five times. Thus, his speeches are always logical and shows  his aims and goals clearly for the people to understand. According to Historian Ian Kershaw, "he would work deep into the night, several evenings running, occupying three secretaries taking dictation straight into the typewriters before carefully correcting the drafts". Hitler does rely on his speeches too.  Furthermore, in all of his speeches, Hitler was able to capture his audience by using pronouns such as "we" and "our". He was able to chime the concerns of the people and make them feel that he is one of them and he understands what they are going through. All of the points mention can be seen in the video below.

2.Hitler's Mesmeric Voice

Writing a good speech is not the only key that led Hitler to rise in prominence. Hitler's mesmeric voice that accompanied his speech makes his speeches sounds persuasive. Hitler stresses on certain words to get his point across the audience. His voice is always energetic and powerful while delivering his speech. In Ron Rosenbaum’s book "Explaining Hitler", French-American novelist George Steiner describes the Nazi leader’s voice as overwhelmingly powerful and ‘spellbinding.’ Hitler was able to capture the attention and hearts of his audience through his voice. Hence making him a good orator with outstanding charisma.  (if can help me upload the soundcloud into the blog)
[soundcloud url="" params="color=0066cc&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

3. Hitler's Body Language in Delivering Speech

Another reason to why Hitler is recognized as a charismatic leader and a good orator is because he added body language while delivering his speech. He was known to have workshopped his delivery, hand gestures, and body language while practicing his speeches hence he does not stutters or have frequent pauses while delivering his speech. He added animations to his language in order to successfully communicate his ideas. His body language such as facial expressions and hand gestures were used to emphasize the main ideas in his speech. Thus, he was able to relay his ideas as effectively as possible.All of the points mention also can be observed on the video below on how he uses hand gestures while delivering the speech.

                           Skillfullness at making deals with politicians

Hitler is skillful at making deals with politicians as he was a good political strategist who are willing to wait for the right opportunity to take power slowly. He was also skilful at making deals to advance his position. In the 1928 elections, the Nazis won less than three percent of the votes. By 1930, the Nazis had won 37.3 percent, making them the party with most seats in the Reichstag. In 1932, President Von Hindenburg was pressurized to agree to Hitler's demand for the chancellorship. He was persuaded by Franz Von Papen who thought that the conservatives could channel their support for Hitler into support for the policies of the cabinet. Furthermore, it was hoped that Hitler could help the government to control the communists. This was welcomed by the rich industrialists who then supported the appointment of Hitler as chancellor. On 30th January 1933, Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor. Within months, he ended Weimar Germany and started Third Reich.
Banning his rivals

One of the way how Hitler deal with politicians is by banning his rivals. It was one of the easiest way for Hitler to gained power by banning political parties who have different views from the Nazis party. With the banning of his rivals, allow Hitler to gained more seats  in the Reichstag. After the Reichstag fire in 1933 and the framing of a Dutch Communist, the  Emergency laws were passed suspending certain basic rights and allowed arrest without trial. Moreover, these laws were used as an advantage as these laws allow to arrest any members of the Communist Party in Germany. About 4000  members of the Communist party were arrested and eliminated. Eventually later on, other parties were either banned or frightened  for more human rights. Furthermore, banning rivals gave you more political power and cuts out many menial task. With the banning of Hitler's rival, this have dealt with the political.This is one of the ways that show how Hitler's skillful at making deals with political.



  1. very helpful .... can be used in project work

  2. I am a Toastmaster and use these oratory skills with all speeches. I have heard inmates in local prison perform spellbinding speeches. They have the time to hone their craft. We must be careful of fluency and persuasion that masquerades as truth.
