Sunday, 28 June 2015

Hitler's Charisma and Oratorical skills - Ali

 What led to Hitler rise in prominence in the late 1920s?

       Hitler's Charisma and Oratorical skills

One of the many ways on how Hitler rise in prominence in the late 1920s is due to his charisma and oratorical skills.Hitler Charisma and oratorical skills is also how he obtained a strong Germany support which is one of the reason how Hitler rise in prominece.Hitler was also seen as a solid speaker and communicator with a strong belief in himself which he believed that it was his duty to rule the world. In all of his speeches, he knew the concerns of the people which made him appear sincere to the German people. Hitler was also a strategic person as he know how and when to give his speech. For example, the "Beer Hall Speeches" whereby people often at ease and swayed by his speech as he often start his speech calmly and logically before ranting and raving before the audience get drunk. Therefore, this made his job easier which led to his rise in prominence. Other than that,  there is other factors how Hitler is a charisma and powerful oratorical skills.

1. Hitler's Speech Writing Process

Hitler was a true orator as he prepared and practiced his speeches. He was known to write his own speeches and edit them up to five times. Thus, his speeches are always logical and shows  his aims and goals clearly for the people to understand. According to Historian Ian Kershaw, "he would work deep into the night, several evenings running, occupying three secretaries taking dictation straight into the typewriters before carefully correcting the drafts". Hitler does rely on his speeches too.  Furthermore, in all of his speeches, Hitler was able to capture his audience by using pronouns such as "we" and "our". He was able to chime the concerns of the people and make them feel that he is one of them and he understands what they are going through. All of the points mention can be seen in the video below.

2.Hitler's Mesmeric Voice

Writing a good speech is not the only key that led Hitler to rise in prominence. Hitler's mesmeric voice that accompanied his speech makes his speeches sounds persuasive. Hitler stresses on certain words to get his point across the audience. His voice is always energetic and powerful while delivering his speech. In Ron Rosenbaum’s book "Explaining Hitler", French-American novelist George Steiner describes the Nazi leader’s voice as overwhelmingly powerful and ‘spellbinding.’ Hitler was able to capture the attention and hearts of his audience through his voice. Hence making him a good orator with outstanding charisma.  (if can help me upload the soundcloud into the blog)
[soundcloud url="" params="color=0066cc&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

3. Hitler's Body Language in Delivering Speech

Another reason to why Hitler is recognized as a charismatic leader and a good orator is because he added body language while delivering his speech. He was known to have workshopped his delivery, hand gestures, and body language while practicing his speeches hence he does not stutters or have frequent pauses while delivering his speech. He added animations to his language in order to successfully communicate his ideas. His body language such as facial expressions and hand gestures were used to emphasize the main ideas in his speech. Thus, he was able to relay his ideas as effectively as possible.All of the points mention also can be observed on the video below on how he uses hand gestures while delivering the speech.

                           Skillfullness at making deals with politicians

Hitler is skillful at making deals with politicians as he was a good political strategist who are willing to wait for the right opportunity to take power slowly. He was also skilful at making deals to advance his position. In the 1928 elections, the Nazis won less than three percent of the votes. By 1930, the Nazis had won 37.3 percent, making them the party with most seats in the Reichstag. In 1932, President Von Hindenburg was pressurized to agree to Hitler's demand for the chancellorship. He was persuaded by Franz Von Papen who thought that the conservatives could channel their support for Hitler into support for the policies of the cabinet. Furthermore, it was hoped that Hitler could help the government to control the communists. This was welcomed by the rich industrialists who then supported the appointment of Hitler as chancellor. On 30th January 1933, Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor. Within months, he ended Weimar Germany and started Third Reich.
Banning his rivals

One of the way how Hitler deal with politicians is by banning his rivals. It was one of the easiest way for Hitler to gained power by banning political parties who have different views from the Nazis party. With the banning of his rivals, allow Hitler to gained more seats  in the Reichstag. After the Reichstag fire in 1933 and the framing of a Dutch Communist, the  Emergency laws were passed suspending certain basic rights and allowed arrest without trial. Moreover, these laws were used as an advantage as these laws allow to arrest any members of the Communist Party in Germany. About 4000  members of the Communist party were arrested and eliminated. Eventually later on, other parties were either banned or frightened  for more human rights. Furthermore, banning rivals gave you more political power and cuts out many menial task. With the banning of Hitler's rival, this have dealt with the political.This is one of the ways that show how Hitler's skillful at making deals with political.


Weaknesses of the Weimar Government - Pei Xin

Weaknesses of the Weimar Government
Some of Weimar Goverment's weaknesses is the lack of a persuasive leader, uneven balance of the economic growth, economical problems and limited base of popular support.

 Why the Weimar Government did not survive in Europe was because of the limited base for popular support. Very few countries recognised Germany as a democratic nation. Countries associated the Weimar Government as the defeat and humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles (TOV) and reparations. 

Another weakness is the uneven balance of their economic growth and their economical problems. Germany was held responsible for the damages and losses the Allies had suffered. It led to an inflation crisis in 1923. Germany's prosperity remained unsound as they relied too much on the foreign credit to survive. 

And the last weakness of the Weimar Government is the lack of a persuasive leader. The government did not have anyone capable of persuading the whole of Germany or even to lead Germany. No one stood up to take control of Germany, so someone outside of the government took charge, Adolf Hitler. 


Nazi Idealogy - Thilagan

Nazi Ideology and how it helped Hitler’s Rise in Germany. (Introduction)
Aryans are a group of people who are with Nordic, Dinaric, Mediterranean, Alpine, East Baltic, Turks, Bedouin, Afghan origins. But however, the Nazi party focused more on the Nordic sub category of the race. Nordics are thought to be both physically beautiful and born intellect. The Aryan Theory states that fair-haired, light-eyed Nordic warriors, having tamed livestock, and invented the wheel, and conquered most of Europe. This was a reason why the Nazis saw themselves as near perfect beings. Well let’s look at the facial aesthetics that define a typical Aryan boy.

1. A rectangular-shaped forehead with a very slight indentation
on the lower part and an equally slight bulge on the upper part
2. Rectangular-shaped cheek bones with somewhat rounded
3. Narrow eyes
4. Flat eyebrows that are situated close to the eyes; the
eyebrows are actually just slightly flared on the outer part,
which is more visible from the angled view
5. A prominent indentation of the cheekbones relative to the
6. A defined nose bridge
7. Cheekbones that are horizontally flat on the front
8. A straight, vertical line of the back of the jaw, which
sharply angles into a straight lower jaw line that is about 40
degrees downward, which in turn sharply angles into a straight
horizontal chin line
9. A particular angle in the cheek which begins on the lower
outer side of the cheek bone, then sharply angles about 80
degrees downward and terminates below and to the outside
of the lips; this angle also corresponds to the Aryan beard
10. diagonal crease lines that proceed downward and outward
from the inner extremity of the eyes (End of Introduction)

Background Source
Source 1
“German Nazism emphasised German nationalism, including both irredentism and expansionism. Nazism held racial theories based upon the belief of the existence of an Aryan master race that was believed to be superior to all other races. The Nazis emphasised the existence of racial conflict between the Aryan race and others, particularly Jews whom the Nazis viewed as a mixed race that had infiltrated multiple societies, and was responsible for exploitation and repression of the Aryan race.”
Explanation for Source 1
After Great Depression, the people of Germany were very upset with the Weimar government for being weak financially and economically. Therefore the people of Germany went chaotic as there was nt enough food, and other necessities. The other small parties look at this situation and they decide to take opportunity of it. One of it was the Nazi party, led by Adolf Hitler. He wanted the Nordic race to rule Germany. He also hated the Jews as they were very wealthy compared to the poor Aryans.

Source 2
Diary of a Nazi Teenager
“The 15-year-old Berlin schoolgirl, nicknamed "Gitti", started keeping a diary in December 1942, when the German capital was being bombed nightly and the Nazi Holocaust was killing thousands. As a trainee secretary, she recorded her daily experiences to improve her stenography skills.
Now, some 70 years on, her diary has been published for the first time in Germany and is being hailed as remarkable documentary evidence of how millions of Germans relied on collective indifference to endure the horrors of war and ignore the brutality of the Nazi rule.”
An excerpt from :
Explanation for Source 2
Hitler saw the young Nazi teens as the future’s hope for Germany. Therefore he made every Nazi teen to be trained every day possible to serve the nation and being a good Nazi by further expanding the race. From the source above it is stated that the teen was a trainee secretary with stenographic skills. This shows, that the Nazi teens were trained to serve the Nazi party military forces. Also the Nazi party controlled the media, school that these teens were being exposed to.

From the sources above we can derive into,
The Nazi ideology:
Lebensraum - the need for 'living space' for the German nation to expand.
·         Where Germany expanded into territorial regions outside Germany.
A strong Germany - the Treaty of Versailles should be abolished and all German-speaking people united in one country.
·         After TOV was demolished, Germany is free from debts and responsibilities.
Führer - the idea that there should be a single leader with complete power rather than a democracy.
·         Adolf Hitler was the supreme leader of Germany.
Social Darwinism - the idea that the Aryan race was superior and Jews were 'subhuman'.
·         Was done because Aryans were beautiful and Germans were unattractive
·         Also the Jews were wealthier.
Autarky - the idea that Germany should be economically self-sufficient.
Germany was in danger - from Communists and Jews, who had to be destroyed.

2) Additional Source : (Aryan Aesthetics)

Hyperinflation - Atiqah

Hyperinflation – Nurul Atiqah (15)

The history of the economic crisis in Germany before the Second World War began with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles (TOV) in 1919. The WWI winners deprived the country of a part of its territories with three-quarters of iron ore reserves. German was supposed to pay $33 billion of reparations. The Germans were more burdened by the huge sum reparations after WW1. To lessen the value, the Germans had to produce more money.

Germany could not pay the huge sum of money in 1922 and this allows France and Belgium to invade Ruhr in 1923, the German industrial heartland, so as to extract reparations forcibly in the form of raw materials and manufactures. This led to hyperinflation that effectively made banknotes became worthless bundles were given to children to play with, being cheaper than actual toys and crippled the economy.

This led Hitler to rise to power.

Great Depression - Rachael

Referred from:

Germany depended on many other countries for trading, like America. When the Great Depression started, Germany was in debt to countries, owning them money. Germany’s industries came to a halt and savings accounts were gone. Inflation started too, resulting in families unable to buy daily products with devalued money.

Thousands of people desperately queued to get food while many other searched the streets and dustbins for leftover food. Many jobless people became homeless and hundreds of people killed themselves due to the Great Depression.

Many companies were bankrupt, some companies fired workers to cut cost resulting in many jobless people. By 1929, about 1.5 million Germans were unemployed and by 1933, 6 million people were unemployed. This caused many people especially children to die due to malnutrition and diseases.
Adolf Hitler knew his chance had come to take over Germany. The Germans were very tired of suffering, misery and fighting thus, they were willing to listen and support Hitler.

Exploitation of the fears of Communism + Reorganisation of the Nazi Party - Glennis

Exploitation of the fears of Communism

During the late 1920s, both the Nazi and Communist Party gained popularity as Germans looked for alternatives to the Weimar Government, convinced that it was in effective in solving their problems. In the 1928 elections, the Communist Party of Germany won four times the votes of the Nazi Party. It seemed that the communist had the upper hand, winning more votes than the Nazi Party.

In fact, many group feared that the communists would later take over the country. Example, like the owners of big industries and wealthy businessmen supported the Nazi because they were afraid that the communists would take away their businesses. Farmers were also feared the communists because the communists believed that the state should own all lands and assets.

Hitler exploited these fears by giving farmers and businessmen vague promises that he would help them if he got into power.

In 1930s, with Germany in economic hardship, the communists often fought with the police and caused much instability. Thus, the Nazi Party used military force to fight the communists and establish order.

Hence, this impressed the middle class who were convinced that the Nazi Party would be would be able to restore order and stability to Germany.

Reorganisation of the Nazi Party

In 1923 Hitler attempted to overthrow the Weimar Government in the Munich Putsch. He believed that the Nazi Party was strong enough to take over Germany.

He reorganized the Nazi Party through several methods:

  • Increasing Party membership
    Hitler established local branches of the Nazi Party all over Germany and set up numerous Nazi Youth organisations. By doing this, he had turned the Nazi Party into a mass party with millions in membership.
  • Establishing the ‘Sturmabteilung’ or Storm troopers (SA) and the ‘Schutzstaffel’ or Defense crops (SS)
    By setting up the SS and SA, it allows them to break up the Communist Party meetings and strikes which gained the support of the anti-communists and industrialists. The SS and SA were portrayed as militaristic and pro-German.
  • Use of Nazi propaganda
    Under Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda appealed to people’s emotions and portrayed the Nazis as a united and disciplined party behind one leader.